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In casino world the most welcome players always was “aces” – the very eminent players who can afford to loose million or more during one visit to a casino. And casino were always hunting for such players.
Casino management are ready to send a plain to every spot of the world to get an “ace” in own’s disposal and to deliver high-roller to their hotel free if he expresses a willingness to play one or few days. There are not too many such players in the world per se. There are about some hundreds persons.
James Packer and Laurens Ho – two billionaires’ sons scraped up their fortune on gamble business – inaugurated new casino in May 2007 in Asian gambling capital – Macau – $524 millions cost. The venture turned out fail…
Initially Crown Macau casino was oriented mainly on average-income players. But three months after grandiose opening two founders of the new casino decided that time to make cardinal changes came, how Laurence Ho said: “it’s time to set off an atom bomb and turn over a new leaf”.
Packer an Laurence took away from casino 60% tables for low staking games and moved off about 80% slots to clear a place for future “ace’s” big game. Casino shifted its’ accent from middle class to VIP-players leaving in casino from $100.000 during one visit.
It’s amazing that these risk straregy immediately brought their Crown Macau casino 15% share of gambling market less then during the year. Now the casino gets stably growing profit.
By the way, talking about Macau… Do you know that slots turnover in Macau is just 5-6% of general casino turnout and though it increased to 20% during last 5 years, slots are still far away from gambling leaders in Asian region. Curiously enough that the leader in amount of gamblers’ preferences is Baccarat!